Gregg Kremkow
Gregg Kremkow continues to be a key contributor for the International Lutheran Laymen’s League, Michigan District, as he has been for more than 40 years.
Kremkow finished a four-year term as district secretary for the LLL district at its convention on April 28 at St. Lorenz Lutheran School and Zehnder’s Restaurant at Frankenmuth.
He also served a four-year term in the 1980s as secretary of the Michigan Southeast District LLL, which in 2014 merged into the Michigan District LLL. In the 1990s, Kremkow served as information director for the Southeast District.
Kremkow has been active setting up booths for the LLL Michigan District at various conventions including for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Michigan District; the LCMS Michigan District; the LCMS English District and the LCMS Ohio District.
He has been a member and LLL ambassador of Guardian Lutheran Church, Dearborn. Kremkow is currently secretary for the Monroe Zone of the LCMS Michigan District.
For information on how to set up an LLL booth at your church, contact Kremkow at your convenience.
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